Tuesday, November 16, 2010

cold blue

The streets were empty. The full moon lit the sky in an eerie way. The streets were lit by the street lamps. It was a cold night. The breeze brings the salty smell of the sea. The sounds of the waves washing up on the sands of the beach filled the silence. Everything was asleep, every door locked.
The breeze blows inland from the sea. Cold. As it brushes across my face, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand. The leaves on the trees rustle as the breeze blow past them. The breeze that came from the sea departs as it leaves everything on its path awake. Waking them to the night’s serenade. A song by the waves and the trees; the little insects hiding in the cracks. My own footsteps. I listen to them. A symphony.
I was out long past midnight. Walking the empty streets. I walked them with no destination in mind. I had no place to go, no place to be. I walked them on my own. Alone.
Footsteps. I rarely run into anyone at this hour. The footsteps grew closer approaching me from around the corner. And quite suddenly I was face to face with another man.
The man was wearing all black. His hair long and unkempt.
He looked straight into my eyes. I couldn’t help staring into his. His cold blue eyes.
He was a handsome man. Possibly in his late twenties. His face was pale and his eyes looked tired. His cold blue eyes.
There was something about them. Empty and deep. They seems to penetrate into my skin. Straight into my soul.
I started to feel colder. He kept looking into my eyes. And I into his. His cold blue eyes.
He showed no emotion. Except maybe calmness. As if there was not a worry in the world.
The cold breeze blew again. Yet neither of us moved.
I couldn’t help but ask.
‘Who are you?’
He stood there for a few more seconds and then walked away.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Cometh my dear
join me in death
there shan't be fear
for I, thou shalt haveth

Friday, April 9, 2010

by the road

the morning has broke
with the sun waking
while I stood there
by the road standing

a man walks down
with a limp in his left foot
he walks through town
limping all the way

the traffic has broke
with the cars wheeling
while I stood there
by the road standing

a woman rushes by
with a worry on her face
like she was about to cry
while she rushed past me

the day has begun
with all Men waking
while I was there
by the road sitting

a child run past me
with a dog behind him
happy as happy can be
they run all around town

the noon has arrived
with the torrid sun shining
while I was there
by the road sitting

a couple walks through
hand in hand
their love looking true
they walk all the way

the evening has come
with a wind blowing
I am still there
by the road lying

a girl trots past me
with a smile upon her face
and I could see
that she was lying

the night has arrived
with a storm brewing
and so I leave
the road I was lying

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Breaking Reality

They say that I have gone crazy
Hook me up to a machine and see
Look really nicely and closely
And they think I am empty

But I am gonna break this reality
Spread my wings and break free
Life belongs to me, I myself and me
All they can do is wait and see

I need to feel real liberty
Go to a place unworldly
Break all free and flee
Cos this is not my cup of tea

Had enough of this cruelty
I have heard their story
It's a lie told by them overly
That's just the way they will be

So let's break this reality
And sense some true liberty
Kick in the ass of cruelty
And live along happily