Sunday, June 28, 2009


Life is like a web. A spider web; if you may. There is no 'my life, your life'. There is life and there is us. We are all connected. Through this web. And we go on clinging to the silky threads. We feel the vibrations of others' movement, while they crawl their own path. But we won't always take the path we want. We get sidetracked, we get lost. Yet we thrive and we move on. Towards the end. The goal, the dream, the ambition. Or we just move without any of these. But we may never get there. For some of us get stuck. Get trapped to the sticky glue. Someone else may rescue them. Or not. Some are left to struggle. Some escape, some don't. Those who don't get eaten by the spider. They become prey to the deathly predator patrolling the web. And that is life. It is but a spider web. Nothing more, nothing less.