Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Listen. Stop talking.
Stop talking, stop thinking and listen.
There is something going on. There has been something going on.

Listen to the sounds that is being made. To the songs that is being sung. There is something going on.
Listen to the voices. To the cries and the weeps. The yells and the shouts. Listen to the laughter.

Silence. Listen to the silence. Listen to everything.

For we have been talking long enough. We have been walking long enough. Why haven't we realized that there is something to be heard? Something worthy of being heard?

We would have heard.

Listen to the nature. The sounds it makes, the silence it breaks.
Listen to yourself. The words you say. The song you sing.
Listen to the story being told. By us; everyone. By everything.

Listen even if you think there is nothing to be heard.


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